Saturday, December 14, 2019

Hello everyone,
Good work this week. We have completed the first unit of grade 8 which is the renaissance. We completed chapter 5 and 6 which includes the reason for the Europeans to use their technology to explore the world and then what they did when they got there. You then had an opportunity to condense your previous chapters for the unit final. Again you were given a chance to see what a standardized test would look like and the opportunity to practice both a multiple choice and an in class essay. Keep in mind this is all part of the learning and skill development process. For the next week it is the last week before winter break. Your task is to be reflective on your work and school up to now and what you what to change or improve moving forward. I will speak to each of you and we will discuss this, your marks so far and how we can both improve the classroom and your learning. You will also have an opportunity to take some tasks home for the break.
Have a good weekend.

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