Sunday, February 23, 2020

Hello all,
Good work this week. We have been continuing with our independent work focused on the Aztecs. This week I asked you to incorporate an overall “to do” list for your agenda. I want you to keep this at the front of your agenda so you can quickly and easily see what tasks you have to work on and what you have completed. This will aid your time management as we move forward. We also started to review, through discussion, some of the highlights of the Aztec world and worldview. We have highlighted some of the social and religious organisation and how it is similar and different than the European culture we have already examined. We have also started looking at expressing thoughts and ideas through poetry. We will continue this all next week.
Have a good weekend.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Hello everyone,

This week we continued our work on the Aztec and your agenda and time management work. This will continue through the three days next week.